Read This Article To Learn About Pregnancy
When you are pregnant, your top priority is keeping yourself and your baby healthy, but it can be hard to know which information to believe. With Pregnancy conflicting claims out there about pregnancy, who do you trust? This article will help you cut through the confusion by giving you straight answers about pregnancy.
You should change your eating habits to include healthy choices. If you change the way you eat now, when you become pregnant you will continue to eat healthy. You should eat a variety of foods but make sure they are healthy choices. Proper nutrition is important while trying to conceive.
Stop smoking before you get pregnant. Smoking can affect your ability to conceive, so find something that will help you stop. You should talk to your doctor to see what recommendations they have to help you quit. There are many options available such as pills and patches.
For first time mothers, babysit for a family member or friend. It never hurts to learn more about how to care of a baby before yours is brought into the world. In addition of learning how to care for a baby, you will know how to properly hold and feed yours.
Create a birth plan. Having a written document that expresses your wishes for your delivery will help the medical professionals involved understand what you want your experience to be like. Include things like who should be present at the birth and what procedures you want to stay away from during the delivery.
Take a childbirth class. Even for veteran parents, these educational sessions help expectant parents feel more confident about their situation and their abilities. The classes give parents a forum to ask questions and meet other families who are experiencing the same things they are. They also provide time for each couple to talk and spend time with one another.
Ask for help with some of your daily tasks. Things that involve heavy lifting, climbing and using chemicals should be avoided when you are pregnant. They can have a negative impact on both you and your unborn baby, so do not be shy about asking your partner or other family members for assistance.
Try babysitting a friend's baby to get more comfortable with caring for a newborn. Having some hands on experience will help you feel more comfortable with the impending birth of your new baby. Don't take off more than you can chew though as you get farther along in your pregnancy.
Do not let stretch marks stress you out, as they are completely unavoidable for many women. While applying cocoa butter and other creams may help to lessen the itching and irritation that comes along with rapid stretching of the skin, they cannot do much to prevent the marks themselves.
When you become pregnant, make sure that you inform your job, as soon as possible, so that you are able to file for a maternity leave when the time comes. This will allow you to prepare in advance and allow your employer to find a replacement, for the time you are out.
Be sure to find a good prenatal vitamin. In many cases your doctor will prescribe the best one for you but you can also find them over the counter. Be sure that it has at least 0.4 mg of folic acid in it. You may also want to look for an additional source of iron to take while you are pregnant.
Skin does have a certain amount of elasticity; however, it can only stretch so much. As your skin is stretched during pregnancy, it can become itchy. When trying to make the situation more bearable, it is important not to bathe in hot water. The hot water can strip the skin of naturally forming oils and leave it itchier and more dry. Use a heavy moisturizer, such as petroleum jelly, vitamin E or cocoa butter. Make sure that the clothing you wear does not rub against the skin too tightly and avoid scratching!
You don't want to spend your whole pregnancy worrying about whether you're doing the right thing for your baby. You should be focusing on giving your baby the best start you can by staying healthy. By following the advice in this article, you will be able to do just that.